Monday, January 29, 2007

number 38

food & thought
Some times the new food works out and you know it in the first bite, and some times it doesn't work out at all and you can smell that coming and then some times, like tonight, you finish what you want, put the rest in a tupperware bowl for lunch tomorrow and you still aren't sure if it worked, but it was pasta with peppers, the tiny skinny green chiles and a round red one and slices of discounted mushrooms and barely enough snow peas to register at the grocery store register and then some boiled pasta spirals and two cans of albacore tuna and much kosher salt and black pepper I could smell over everything as I stirred it up, dubious looks falling out of my face and into the wok with a little more olive oil and I chewed and thought about how busy the day had been, how many words I'd made and about the phone call I got where I had none of the right words: "Don't hang up," she said and I didn't -- not for a minute until after we'd cracked what was quiet between us all this time.

Hi     Lo
Some days racing boldly on,
Some waiting for things to break,
I grind my far-apart gears.

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