Friday, January 12, 2007

number 22

food & thought
Tonight we prayed over cheap pizzas dressed up with onions we sauteed and banana peppers piled on but the real meal was the family and how they laughed, and afterwards I stuffed myself again on two sweet music sets and a chance with my brother to chat about life and what's hard and how God moves us along with our faith that don't see too good and if song lyrics and drumbeats and chatting could be food I'd be fatter now, but happy, too, as I shuffle off towards bed, my thoughts tonight tearing out in jazzed riffs and clapping that couldn't say how much I love the music people, how much my fingers wish they knew the moves.

I can't strum. I clap off beat.
My hands, mouth, are music-dumb.
And still, my clumsy heart sings.

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