Sunday, January 7, 2007

number 18

food & thought
Driving through a cold rain this morning after coffee and coffee and coffee and a day old cinnamon bun sticky with apple bits and goo I scribbled two madkus as I changed highway lanes and the one that follows is what came best and built-up and last in a morning series -- I'd made three others at the coffee bar counter after hearing the news that two more dear friends are getting married and I chewed and sipped and watched the people about me, paired up, nucleic, or split off, fissiong atoms, we circled and we burned before I walked outside and drove off winter-soaked and pelted and alive and on my way to what was next where I would drive, scratch, continue to sound my thoughts about this conversation we call prayer.

I cast prayers into chaos,
words molten from the deep forge --
he plucks them hot from the stars.

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