Thursday, January 4, 2007

number 11

food & thought
I sliced the pork thin with enough kosher salt, and lots and lots of black pepper and then more, more pepper and it seared in the heat and then a mountain of broccoli and that was it -- all for the vegetables -- enough said from the plant kingdom, all over wide noodles in a thick sesame sauce and wine, red wine out of my favorite coffee mug and that was dinner as I chewed it, tired of rolling words around and out these last few days and now more words and I was thinking then and am still thinking now about where all these words come from in the recesses and crazed filing cabinets within me and about the magic that lays them down in bed with each other, here and other places too.

Writer's Prayer
Through walks that stretch over years,
at the desk or searching her
face, he hopes for some good words.

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